Give Online
Giving is, first and foremost, an act of worship unto God!
We want to first say thank you, for your desire to support the ministry of The Well. Without your giving, we would not be able to do all the ministries that we do, without your contributions. When you give to The Well, you are partnering with a church that:
Shares the love and grace of Jesus Christ with people every week.
Builds ministries to serve our community.
Partners with organizations both locally and globally, that provide care to people and help them find hope in Jesus.
During weekly service. You can pick up a giving envelope at The Welcome Center in the church foyer, or you can find an envelope under the seat in front of you in the sanctuary.
Give online. Giving online is Safe, Secure and Simple. Click the Give Now link below.
Use your bank’s bill pay feature. You can utilize your bank’s bill pay service to have checks automatically withdrawn and mailed to:
1832 Kay Dr.
Pulaski, TN 38478