Upcoming Events

Kindness Project

Kindness Project

Kindness Project is a feeding ministry that stems from The Well. It is held at the CB Outreach Building every last Thursday of the month from 5 to 7 pm. The hot meal is absolutely FREE & available to any & all in our community.

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Legacy (Senior Adult Ministry)

Legacy (Senior Adult Ministry)

Legacy (Senior Adult Ministry) meets every 2nd Tuesday of the month for a time of fun, fellowship, food, and devotion. We love our seniors at The Well. If you are a senior adult this is a great way to get connected.

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2025 Beauty for Ashes Women's Conference
to Mar 8

2025 Beauty for Ashes Women's Conference

We are excited to announce our Fourth Annual Women's conference at The Well Church Of God. It would be our honor for you to join us for an inspirational time together as women in the Lord. You definitely do not want to miss this. Registration is encourage for preparation purposes only but is not required to attend. We cannot wait to see what God will do during this special time.

Here is the registration link. Spread the word!! God Bless you all!


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Defined & Anchor Youth Prayer Board Fundraiser

Defined & Anchor Youth Prayer Board Fundraiser

Anchor and Defined have a fundraiser opportunity coming up in February. We would like for you to join us, ANY and ALL are invited! Please sign up at our Welcome Center in the foyer.😊

We will be making prayer boards together on Friday February 28th, 6-8pm. The cost is $20 per person and the proceeds will go to students attending Winterjam in March. We have a deadline to sign up and money due by Wednesday, February 19th.

What is a prayer board? It’s a beautiful way to organize your prayer life and keep your faith journey visible. It’s a display of prayers, thanksgiving, Scripture, petitions and praises. The intention is to place your prayer board somewhere that you will see it daily to remind you to pray and reflect.

We are looking forward to this special time together and seeing all the prayers God is going to answer!
We will have all supplies needed, devotion and prayer time together. 🙏🏻

“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.”
‭‭Colossians‬ ‭4‬:‭2‬ ‭

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Kindness Project

Kindness Project

Kindness Project is a feeding ministry that stems from The Well. It is held at the CB Outreach Building every last Thursday of the month from 5 to 7 pm. The hot meal is absolutely FREE & available to any & all in our community.

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Legacy (Senior Adult Ministry)

Legacy (Senior Adult Ministry)

Legacy (Senior Adult Ministry) meets every 2nd Tuesday of the month for a time of fun, fellowship, food, and devotion. We love our seniors at The Well. If you are a senior adult this is a great way to get connected.

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Men's Ministry (Men of the Sword) Gathering

Men's Ministry (Men of the Sword) Gathering

Our next fellowship event is fast approaching and is to be held on Saturday February 1st at the Timms farm.

Activities planned

Devotion, prayer, and fellowship.

Eating and more fellowship

Shooting guns and even more fellowship!

A shooting competition with prizes will commence!

If any of you can make targets, have experience with gun range activities or competition ideas, see Doug, Craig, or Joel.

We are asking for a small donation to help cover the handgun and shotgun ammunition and clay pigeons. ( or bring your own to share)

Food and snacks will be announced as we get closer to the event. More information to follow as we approach Feb 1st.

Sign ups will be posted at the welcome desk at the church or you can text Doug or Craig of your planned attendance so we get a proper head count.

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Kindness Project

Kindness Project

Kindness Project is a feeding ministry that stems from The Well. It is held at the CB Outreach Building every last Thursday of the month from 5 to 7 pm. The hot meal is absolutely FREE & available to any & all in our community.

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The Well's Leadership Conference

The Well's Leadership Conference

We are so excited to host our very own Leadership Conference with very special guest, Scottie Hager, our state’s(TN) Youth & Discipleship Director of the CoG. Come be with us on this special day & time to get equipped with leadership skills & training from a biblical view. We can’t wait to see YOU there!

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Legacy (Senior Adult Ministry)

Legacy (Senior Adult Ministry)

Legacy (Senior Adult Ministry) meets every 2nd Tuesday of the month for a time of fun, fellowship, food, and devotion. We love our seniors at The Well. If you are a senior adult this is a great way to get connected.

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KTown & Anchor Youth Christmas Program

KTown & Anchor Youth Christmas Program

The Christmas season is a wonderful time to celebrate as a family the wonderful and miraculous gift of Jesus Christ. On Sunday, December 8th our youth and children’s ministries will be ministering in service as they share the Christmas story. You really don’t want to miss it!

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The Well Thanksgiving Meal

The Well Thanksgiving Meal

Join us this Thanksgiving season following morning worship for a time of food and fellowship as we celebrate God’s blessings and give thanks together for all He has done. The meal will be at the Park and Rec. building in Pulaski, TN.

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Legacy (Senior Adult Ministry)

Legacy (Senior Adult Ministry)

Legacy (Senior Adult Ministry) meets every 2nd Tuesday of the month for a time of fun, fellowship, food, and devotion. We love our seniors at The Well. If you are a senior adult this is a great way to get connected.

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Life 931 (Life Groups)

Life 931 (Life Groups)

Fall Life Groups happening at the church. Life Groups are a great way to build connections and to grow in your walk with the Lord. Sign up to get involved in a life changing group today.

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Fall, Faith & Family Day

Fall, Faith & Family Day

Come out for this fun-filled day! We will have church at 10 then directly following service, all of the fun activities will begin— Food, Games, Face Painting, Hayrides, Cakewalk along with tons more fun and fellowship! This day will be all about enjoying time with family & friends!

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Life 931 (Life Groups)

Life 931 (Life Groups)

Fall Life Groups happening at the church. Life Groups are a great way to build connections and to grow in your walk with the Lord. Sign up to get involved in a life changing group today.

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Legacy (Senior Adult Ministry)

Legacy (Senior Adult Ministry)

Legacy (Senior Adult Ministry) meets every 2nd Tuesday of the month for a time of fun, fellowship, food, and devotion. We love our seniors at The Well. If you are a senior adult this is a great way to get connected.

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Life 931 (Life Groups)

Life 931 (Life Groups)

Fall Life Groups happening at the church. Life Groups are a great way to build connections and to grow in your walk with the Lord. Sign up to get involved in a life changing group today.

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Life 931 (Life Groups)

Life 931 (Life Groups)

Fall Life Groups happening at the church. Life Groups are a great way to build connections and to grow in your walk with the Lord. Sign up to get involved in a life changing group today.

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The Lawrenceburg District Prayer Conference

The Lawrenceburg District Prayer Conference

We will be joining with other churches from our area at Calvary Hill Church of God in Lawrenceburg, Tennessee for a time of corporate prayer and training. Doug Small from Project Prayer will be with us ministering. Pastor Charles Fritts our District Overseer will be leading the meetings. This will be a powerful time as we gather together and seek the Lord.

“And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none…” (Ezekiel 22:30)

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Kindness Project

Kindness Project

Kindness Project is a feeding ministry that stems from The Well. It is held at the CB Outreach Building every last Thursday of the month from 5 to 7 pm. The hot meal is absolutely FREE & available to any & all to our community.

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Life 931 (Life Groups)

Life 931 (Life Groups)

Fall Life Groups happening at the church. Life Groups are a great way to build connections and to grow in your walk with the Lord. Sign up to get involved in a life changing group today.

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Legacy (Senior Adult Ministry)

Legacy (Senior Adult Ministry)

Legacy (Senior Adult Ministry) meets every 2nd Tuesday of the month for a time of fun, fellowship, food, and devotion. We love our seniors at The Well. If you are a senior adult this is a great way to get connected.

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Life 931 (Life Groups) Meet & Greet

Life 931 (Life Groups) Meet & Greet

Our Fall session of Life Groups at The Well are right around the corner. On Sunday, August 25th at 5 pm we are having a Meet and Greet where you can meet our Life Group Coordinators and find out all about the classes being offered. Free food will be provided. The Fall session begins Sunday, September 15th and runs through the end of October. Life Groups are a great way to build connections and to grow in your walk with the Lord. Get plugged into a Life Group this Fall at The Well!

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Volunteer Appreciation Banquet

Volunteer Appreciation Banquet

We are so thankful for all of our volunteers at The Well. On Thursday night, August 15th we will be having our annual Volunteer Appreciation Banquet to say thank you to all of our wonderful volunteers. There will be free food, giveaways, fun games, and great fellowship. If you serve at The Well in anyway please make plans to join us.

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Overflow at The Well

Overflow at The Well

Join us Sunday evening, August 11 for Overflow at The Well. This will be a special time of prayer and worship. This is always a powerful time of encounter and refreshing. You don’t want to miss it.

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Men’s Breakfast (1st Sunday of Every Month)

Men’s Breakfast (1st Sunday of Every Month)

Our Men's Ministry meets together on the 1st Sunday of every Month @ 8:00am, to eat a hot, home cook breakfast together! Our Men discuss upcoming events/plan future events; such as work days, men's conferences, volunteer opportunities, etc. See Brother Robby Henderson for more details.

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Men's Testimony and Fellowship (3rd Tuesday Every Month)

Men's Testimony and Fellowship (3rd Tuesday Every Month)

The Well Men's Ministry partners together with multiple other church Men's Ministries, crossing denominational lines, coming together with the purpose of fellowship and encouragement of men in the Kingdom of God! We meet at 6:30pm for a hot, home cooked meal, and then we worship together and then a special guest speaker comes to share their life story and testify of the goodness of God in their lives! It is a fun and powerful time together with men of God from all walks of life! See Brother Robby Henderson for more details.

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Men’s Breakfast (1st Sunday of Every Month)

Men’s Breakfast (1st Sunday of Every Month)

Our Men's Ministry meets together on the 1st Sunday of every Month @ 8:00am, to eat a hot, home cook breakfast together! Our Men discuss upcoming events/plan future events; such as work days, men's conferences, volunteer opportunities, etc. See Brother Robby Henderson for more details.

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